Duration 4 days
100% positive reviews
0 student
Assessments: Yes
Language English
Available on the app
Unlimited access forever
Skill level: All levels
In the rapidly evolving real estate sector, understanding and applying International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is crucial for effective financial reporting and compliance. The IFRS for Real Estate Developers course is specifically designed to equip finance professionals in the real estate industry with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of IFRS, particularly regarding property development, leasing, and revenue recognition. Over the course of 4 days, participants will gain insights into key standards such as IFRS 15 for revenue recognition, IFRS 16 for leases, and IAS 40 for investment properties. With a course fee of ₦250,000, this training will empower participants to enhance their financial reporting practices, ensuring compliance and fostering strategic growth in their organizations.
The real estate industry presents unique financial reporting challenges, from recognizing revenue on property sales to accounting for leases and investment properties. This course offers a comprehensive examination of the application of key IFRS standards specifically tailored for real estate developers. Participants will learn how to apply IFRS 15 to recognize revenue from contracts with customers, understand the implications of IFRS 16 regarding lease accounting, and navigate the complexities of IAS 40 for investment property valuation and reporting. By the end of this course, finance professionals in the real estate sector will be better prepared to ensure compliance with global financial regulations and contribute to strategic financial planning.
This course is ideal for accountants, financial managers, controllers, auditors, and CFOs in real estate development companies. It caters to both experienced professionals and those new to IFRS in the real estate context.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Apply IFRS 15 to recognize revenue from real estate sales and development contracts.
Understand the principles of lease accounting under IFRS 16 and its implications for real estate developers.
Implement effective accounting practices for investment properties under IAS 40.
Evaluate financial instruments and risk management relevant to real estate projects under IFRS 9.
Analyze and prepare financial statements in compliance with IFRS, ensuring accurate representation of real estate development activities.
Stay updated on recent IFRS developments impacting the real estate sector.
Personal Impact
Acquire a deep understanding of IFRS standards critical to real estate development, enhancing your financial knowledge and expertise.
Equip yourself with the skills to ensure compliance with international financial regulations, positioning yourself as a valuable asset to your organization.
Improve your ability to manage and report on property development and leasing, which are fundamental to real estate operations.
Enhance your understanding of revenue recognition for various real estate transactions, ensuring accurate financial reporting.
Become a knowledgeable professional in the real estate sector, ready to tackle financial challenges in a rapidly evolving industry.