Duration 5 days
100% positive reviews
0 student
Assessments: Yes
Language English
Available on the app
Unlimited access forever
Skill level: All levels
In an era where energy transition and sustainability are at the forefront of global discussions, understanding International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) specific to energy companies is crucial. The IFRS for Energy Companies (Renewable and Non-Renewable) course is designed to provide finance professionals with essential knowledge and skills to effectively apply IFRS in the energy sector. Over the course of 4 days, participants will explore key standards such as IFRS 6 for exploration and evaluation of mineral resources, IFRS 15 for revenue recognition, and IAS 16 for property, plant, and equipment. With a course fee of ₦250,000, this training will empower participants to enhance their financial reporting capabilities, ensuring compliance while strategically positioning their organizations for future growth.
The energy sector faces unique challenges in financial reporting due to the diverse nature of operations and the regulatory landscape. This course provides a comprehensive overview of the application of IFRS standards relevant to both renewable and non-renewable energy companies. Participants will learn how to apply IFRS 6 to account for exploration and evaluation expenditures, recognize revenue from energy sales under IFRS 15, and effectively report on assets under IAS 16. This course is essential for finance professionals looking to ensure compliance and improve financial reporting practices within the energy sector.
This course is ideal for accountants, financial managers, CFOs, and auditors working in energy companies or those seeking to understand the intricacies of IFRS in the energy industry.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Apply IFRS 6 to account for the exploration and evaluation of mineral resources and renewable energy projects.
Recognize revenue from energy sales in compliance with IFRS 15.
Understand the principles of asset recognition and measurement under IAS 16 for energy-related property, plant, and equipment.
Analyze financial instruments and risk management relevant to energy operations under IFRS 9.
Prepare IFRS-compliant financial statements reflecting the unique aspects of energy transactions.
Stay updated on recent IFRS developments affecting the energy sector.
Personal Impact
Gain specialized knowledge in IFRS standards critical for energy companies, enhancing your professional skill set in a dynamic industry.
Improve your ability to manage and report on complex energy transactions, ensuring compliance with international standards.
Position yourself as an expert in financial reporting for the energy sector, increasing your value to your organization.
Develop a deeper understanding of revenue recognition for energy sales, which is fundamental to financial success in the industry.
Enhance your career prospects by mastering IFRS principles that govern both renewable and non-renewable energy operations.